Martina Beníčková
Kontaktní osoba pro uchazeče
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Come and see what happens in the background of a big bank.
Our Brno Competence Center creates the heart of KBC Group – a financial group that includes for example the Czech ČSOB, the Belgian KBC and the Hungarian K&H.
What do we do? Operational risk management, international transactions, invoices, financial markets, securities, insurance, loans, and what’s more, even activities that you might not expect – testing of banking applications or robotics.
Meet us at our stand to find out more. 😉
Registruj se a označ tuto společnost tlačítkem „Mám zájem“. Seznam svých favoritů najdeš ve svém profilu. Díky tomu nezapomeneš, které společnosti na tebe udělaly dojem, a budeš mít vše po ruce!
Kontaktní osoba pro uchazeče
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